authors are vetted 专家 in 的ir fields and write on topics in which 的y have demonstrated experience. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.
验证专家 在工程
16 的经验

Daniel is a senior certified 线上购物 developer with experience working with Laravel and Zend frameworks and various JavaScript frameworks.


线上购物 is an open-source platform for building online stores that also provides omni-channel experiences to your customers. First released in 2008, it has grown continually and become 的 most popular eCommerce platform. 超过250,全球有5000家商家正在使用线上购物 Commerce平台, 占总市场份额的30%左右.


线上购物的生态系统如此庞大,它很容易让新手感到困惑. 帮助你熟悉环境, we’ll give an overview of 的 different approaches and versions of 线上购物 available for building an online store and some of 的 resources available for doing so.



  • 建立一个全新的线上购物网站从零开始.
  • 迁移 从不同的电子商务平台到线上购物.


线上购物具有可扩展的主题, 模块化结构, 以及快速设置在线商店所需的所有功能. 这包括产品和客户管理, 销售管理, 报告, 支付处理, 以及缓存和索引功能, 在许多其他方面.

所有这些功能都可以根据您的需要轻松扩展或定制. 然而, some development work will be needed depending on 的 complexity of your requirements.

线上购物背后有一个庞大的社区, 包括线上购物代理和第三方扩展提供商, so 的re are thousands of extensions to choose from to fully personalize your store or connect it to third-party systems like payment engines and ERPs. 根据您的需求,这些扩展有不同的价格, 其中有几个是免费的. There is also a huge pool of 线上购物 agencies and freelance 线上购物 developers all over 的 world that provide 线上购物 customization services.


如果你已经有一个在线商店在不同的平台上运行, 的re are several data migration tools that could help you migrate most of your data across to 线上购物 with little effort, 比如Cart2Cart,将你的商店从WooCommerce移植过来, 的 Shopify to 线上购物 migration tool, or 的 线上购物 Mass Importer (MAGMI) for a more general approach.

这些工具可以导入您的产品和销售数据, but you will still need to customize 的 的me of your 网站 and to extend some 的 platform to meet 的 requirements specific to your business, 包括第三方扩展的安装和设置. 对于这个过程, you will have to hire a dedicated 线上购物 web developer to transform all your data accordingly if you want to have your new 线上购物 store running smoothly in a short period of time.




这是线上购物最稳定的版本. 尽管它已经有十年的历史了——有点古老, 以今天的标准来看,它仍然非常受欢迎, 《欧博体育app下载》的受欢迎程度也难以与之匹敌.

这个版本的线上购物已经接近它的生命周期,所以使用它可能听起来有风险. 不过, 它仍然是开始使用线上购物最简单的方法, 具有非常简单的安装过程和精心构建的架构. 结果是, it will probably be supported by 的 社区 for a long time even when official support is terminated at 的 end of 2018.

此外, 的re are several tools for migrating both your code and your data from 线上购物1 to 线上购物2 once you feel ready to upgrade your store to version 2, 这样在采用线上购物2的时候就不会有问题了.


这个版本的线上购物于2015年发布. 虽然不像它的前身那么成熟, 它的受欢迎程度迅速增长,特别是随着最新的更新. This version comes with great features that ease web development and allow customization in a more structured manner than 线上购物1.

然而,它是一个更大的软件,所以它也更复杂. It takes more effort to install it and more technical expertise to understand 的 new development pipeline, 因此,对于新来者来说,这可能是令人生畏的.

线上购物2已经有几百个可用的扩展, 因此很容易找到满足您需求的扩展. 然而, it is important to note that 的se extensions are slightly more expensive for 线上购物2 than its predecessor given 的 increased technological expertise required for building 的m.

与线上购物1相比, 线上购物2支持许多开箱即用的最新技术, 比如PHP 7, 哪个提供了巨大的性能改进, 图像压缩, 改进的浏览器缓存, 以及使用的能力 清漆缓存 无需安装第三方扩展, 因此,它允许您从一开始就为您的客户提供现代化的在线体验.


线上购物1和2都有两个版本:社区版和企业版. 每个版本都针对不同的商业群体.


线上购物社区版是免费的. 这个版本提供了一个基本的电子商务平台, but some development work will be needed for fully customizing 的 store to your specific needs. This is 的 recommended option for small merchants or merchants getting started in 的 eCommerce business.

This edition on 线上购物2 has been recently renamed 线上购物 Open Source in an effort to make 的 platform more open and bring in more developers from 的 open source 社区 by highlighting 的 license 的 platform is built on.


线上购物企业版带有官方的线上购物支持和最新的功能. This edition is better than 的 社区 Edition for handling large product catalogs and it comes with great performance enhancements. 然而, it is worth noting that 企业 Edition support is quite limited and you would end up needing to hire 你自己专门的开发团队.

强烈建议大型客户使用此版本, 有数百家在线商店在运行这个版本. 重要的是要考虑到这个选项相当昂贵, 但如果你想为你的客户提供最好的体验,这绝对是值得的.

线上购物2 offers an additional option previously referred to as 企业 Cloud Edition, 由线上购物公司直接托管和管理. 这与传统的企业版形成了对比, 哪个在客户自己的场所或由第三方托管. Both 的 enterprise on-premises and cloud editions are now referred to as 线上购物 Commerce on 的 线上购物, 公司. 网站. This is behind a rebranding effort to promote 的 cloud edition over 的 on-premises edition, 现在被称为商业.


There are developers and agencies offering 线上购物 development services and consulting all over 的 world, 但找到合适的人可能很难. 为此目的, 线上购物 keeps a directory of officially certified 线上购物开发人员 and 线上购物 Solution Partners.

官方认证的线上购物开发人员 专家 who have deep knowledge of 的 platform and are able to adapt your 线上购物 site to your needs. 因此, this is 的 most important qualification to look for when hiring a freelance 线上购物 developer team or individual. Freelance developers are 的 best option if you want to manage 的 developers and communicate with 的m directly.

或者,你可以聘请线上购物开发公司或代理. This may be far more expensive than hiring a team of freelancers for custom 线上购物 development, but 线上购物 recommends this option for large businesses that require a dedicated development and support team, 或者是期限很紧的项目. 其中一些公司注册为线上购物解决方案合作伙伴, 也就是说它们经过了线上购物的认证, 公司. 作为具有丰富经验的公司实施和调整线上购物网站.


在所有的变化,线上购物是一个坚实的电子商务平台. Now that you know what it takes to build your store with 线上购物, it’s time to get started. 你不会后悔加入线上购物的世界!


  • Is 线上购物 only for new sites or can a business migrate to it from an existing eCommerce solution?

    线上购物涵盖了这两种情况. Numerous tools exist to help use existing data whe的r it’s from ano的r eCommerce platform or from internal company data.

  • 线上购物1是否仍然值得考虑?

    是的. 线上购物1和2都是官方支持的,每个都有自己的优点和缺点. 哪一个最适合你取决于你的要求.

  • 我应该使用哪个版本?

    线上购物企业版对于高容量站点来说是最有意义的, 但是社区/开源版本是免费的. Whe的r 企业 is worth 的 price tag depends on your 的 needs and resources of your project.



验证专家 在工程
16 的经验




Daniel is a senior certified 线上购物 developer with experience working with Laravel and Zend frameworks and various JavaScript frameworks.

authors are vetted 专家 in 的ir fields and write on topics in which 的y have demonstrated experience. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.


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